%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A Illa Fadillah, NIM. 15690007 %B FAKULTAS SAIN DAN TEKNOLOGI %D 2019 %F digilib:37232 %I UNIVERSITAS ISLAM NEGERI SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Scirnce Module, Energy in Living System, and Character Education %P 192 %T PENGEMBANGAN MODUL IPA BERMUATAN PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER PADA MATERI ENERGI DALAM SISTEM KEHIDUPAN UNTUK PESERTA DIDIK SMP/MTs KELAS VII %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/37232/ %X This research aims to (1) Produce science module containing character education (2) Obtaining the quality of science module containing character education (3) Obtaining the response from student and enforceability of science module containing character education. This research is a research and Development (R&D) research. The development is done using 4-D research model covering 4 main steps, namely (1) Define (2) Design (3) Develop (4) Disseminate. This research is done until Develop steps in development testing. The research istruments are validation sheet, assessment sheet, and enforceability observation sheet. The quality of module used Likert scale with a scale of 4 and student response used Guttman scale, both are in checklist forms. While used descriptive form in enforceability. The result of this research is scirnce module contains character education on the concept energy in living system for student SMP/MTs class VII. The quality of science module based on assessment of material experts, media experts, and science teacher has on very good category with mean score 3,68, 3,45, and 3,75. Student’s responses on small field test and large field test has shown agree category with mean values of 0,96 and 0,96. Result from the enforceability finall module, the student’s can understand concept enrgy with science module containing education character as source independent learning for student. But on test understanding of concepts learning activities there is one student dificult answering question number 4 about comparison of kinetic energy and potential energy, Character can be observed in the enforceability is cooperation, creative, and responsible. %Z Ika Kartika, S.Pd, M.Pd. Si