relation: title: PENGEMBANGAN MODUL IPA BERBASIS LITERASI SAINS PADA MATERI SUHU, PEMUAIAN, DAN KALOR UNTUK PESERTA DIDIK SMP/MTs KELAS VII creator: ROENAH, NIM. 15690027 subject: Pendidikan Fisika description: This research aims to 1) producing science module 2) knowing the quality of science module, and 3) knowing blind responses of student and implementation of science module based on scientific literacy on material temperature, expansion, and heat. Development model in this study is Research and Development (R & D) with a procedural model. The development method uses a 3-D model which includes Define (definition), Design (design), and Develop (development) was confined in extent test. The instruments of this research used are validation sheet, assessment sheet, student responses sheet, and study implementation sheet. The product quality appraisal of science module for experts used a four likert scale and student responses used guttmann scale in checklist form. Meanwhile, the implementation of the science module used a descriptive observation sheet. The results of the quality science module based on the appraisal of material expert, media, and science teachers recording have Very good (SB) quality with a mean score of 3.55, 3.56, and 3.71. Students’ responses on a limit test and extent test have Agree (S) category with a mean score of 1.00 and 0.96. The results of the science module implementation based on observers, students still ask the equation ΔT and question number 3 in evaluation 1, question number 6 in evaluation 2, and question number 5, 6, and 9 in evaluation 3 not implemented according to the third indicator. Temporarily, another indicator on the implementation test has been well implemented. date: 2019-08-06 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: id identifier: format: text language: id identifier: identifier: ROENAH, NIM. 15690027 (2019) PENGEMBANGAN MODUL IPA BERBASIS LITERASI SAINS PADA MATERI SUHU, PEMUAIAN, DAN KALOR UNTUK PESERTA DIDIK SMP/MTs KELAS VII. Skripsi thesis, UNIVERSITAS ISLAM NEGERI SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA.