%A NIM. 15690033 Ari Shinta Widiastuti %O Joko Purwanto, M.Sc. %T EFEKTIVITAS REMEDIASI MISKONSEPSI PADA MATERI GELOMBANG BUNYI DENGAN PENDEKATAN KONSTRUKTIVISME METODE 5E DI SMA N 1 TURI %X Knowledge construction from the beginning before students get formal learning (preconceptions or students' initial concepts) often does not match the knowledge received by experts, and becomes a misconception. Misconceptions on students need to be diagnosed and given a solution to improve learning, so that misunderstanding of the material can be corrected. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the constructivism approach with the 5E method to remedy misconceptions on sound wave material. This research is a qualitative descriptive study with a sample of students of class XI MIPA 2 in 1 Turi Senior High School. This study uses a two tier test instrument. In addition to using a two tier test, interviews were conducted on several students to confirm the answers to the two tier test. Based on the results data, it was found that learning using the constructivism approach with the 5E method was effective in minimizing the average of students' misconceptions of 25,77%. %K Misconceptions, Sound Waves, Remediation, Constructivist, 5E Methods. %D 2019 %I UNIVERSITAS ISLAM NEGERI SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib37237