@article{digilib37302, month = {April}, title = {Menyingkap Ilusi Pertumbuhan Ekonomi dengan Teori Moneter Gas Ideal}, author = {Rachmad Resmiyanto}, publisher = {HFI Jateng \& DIY}, year = {2014}, pages = {18--20}, journal = {Prosiding Pertemuan Ilmiah XXVIII HFI Jateng \& DIY}, keywords = {pertumbuhan ekonomi, ilusi moneter, model moneter gas ideal.}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/37302/}, abstract = {Pertumbuhan ekonomi merupakan salah satu penanda penting dalam perekonomian. Kemajuan ekonomi biasanya dilihat dari angka pertumbuhan ekonomi. Teori moneter gas ideal menyediakan cara pandang yang berbeda untuk melihat hakikat pertumbuhan ekonomi. Dalam pandangan ini, hakikat pertumbuhan ekonomi ialah ilusi moneter. Setiap pertumbuhan ekonomi selalu disertai dengan inflasi. The economic growth is one important indicator in the economy. Economic progress is usually seen from the figures of economic growth. An ideal gas monetary theory provides a different perspective to look at the nature of economic growth. In this view, the nature of economic growth is monetary illusion. Any economic growth is always accompanied by inflation..} }