%A NIM. 15710047 M. FAKHRU RIZA %O Retno Pandan Arum, S. Psi, M. Psi. %T LIVING GUSDURIAN: PENCARIAN IDENTITAS DIRI PADA KOMUNITAS SANTRI GUS DUR (Studi Fenomenologi Aktivis Gusdurian Yogyakarta) %X This study aims to determine the search processes and the factors that influence the formation of self-identity Gusdurian activist in Yogyakarta. This research was conducted with a phenomenological approach, which is an approach that has a focus of study on the subjective views of research informants. The informants of this study are active members of the Community of Santri Gus Dur Yogyakarta. The results of this study indicate that the process of finding self-identity of students of Gus Dur is a transformation of self-identity from identity formed in a homogeneous environment to a more open self-identity. The change of identity is formed after the individual experiences an identity crisis while in the city of Yogyakarta which is more diverse than the previous environment in the pesantren. The process of finding self-identity of students of Gus Dur tends to be more quickly formed in students who since early adolescence have succeeded in forming the degree of openness of their innate identity. %K diversity, gusdurian activists, santri, self-identity. %D 2019 %I UNIVERSITAS ISLAM NEGERI SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib37322