@phdthesis{digilib37351, month = {August}, title = {PENERIMAAN DIRI MAHASISWA MUSLIM DITINJAU DARI KEKUATAN AKIDAH DAN JENIS KELAMIN}, school = {UNIVERSITAS ISLAM NEGERI SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM. 15710092 Vina Akmala Ilma}, year = {2019}, note = {Zidni Immawan Muslimin, S.Psi, M.Si}, keywords = {akidah, faith, religiosity, self-acceptance}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/37351/}, abstract = {This research seeks to determine the relationship between akidah and self-acceptance; and also to see the sexual differences in self-acceptance. This research is a quantitative study that used quota sampling as a sampling technique and involves 215 students that are spreading in several universities in Special Region of Yogyakarta. The instrument that used in this research is a modification of the Unconditional Self-acceptance Questionnaire (USAQ) which has an alpha coefficient of 0,841 and Akidah Scale which has an alpha coefficient of 0,893. Because of the scale akidah showed a abnormal distribution, so the first hypothesis for the relationship between akidah and self-acceptance was analyzed by non-parametric spearman rho that showed insignificant result. This result had indicated by the rxy = 0,51 and p (1-tailed) = 0,23 (p{\ensuremath{>}} 0,05). The second hypothesis for the comparison of self-acceptance between male and female that analyzed by independent sample t-test showed significant differences. This result had indicated by tcount = 2,12 {\ensuremath{>}} ttable = 1,65 and p (2-tailed) = 0,035.} }