@phdthesis{digilib37384, month = {July}, title = {TINJAUAN SOSIOLOGI HUKUM ISLAM TERHADAP SERTIFIKASI HALAL PADA PRODUK BATIK DI JAWA TENGAH}, school = {UNIVERSITAS ISLAM NEGERI SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM. 12380051 AMIRUDIN}, year = {2019}, note = {DR. MOCHAMAD SODIK, S.SOS., M.SI.}, keywords = {knowledge of Islamic law sociology, halal certification in batik.}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/37384/}, abstract = {Batik is one of the Indonesian cultural heritages that has been recognized by the world and is still preserved until now. The batik industry is growing very rapidly and in all regions has its own distinctive style. Halal certification on batik is an audit process of halal batik so that the item is suitable for use or not by Muslims Halal certification in clothing, especially batik, is a new thing in the world of law. The practice of halal certification in batik has experienced opposition among batik artisans. Batik has been using official Indonesian people for years and in the process of making batik there are no ingredients that make batik unlawful to wear. This discussion will convey the implementation of halal certification in batik in terms of the view of Islamic legal sociology. This type of research is field research, namely data: obtained directly from field research (community) on halal certification in batik with emphasis on the analysis of the rule of law about halal certification on batik In getting the data researchers conducted interviews and documentation, then the approach that the researchers used was normative and sociological approaches where the basis of this approach was the Qur?an and hadith, Halal Product Guarantee Act and opinions of craftsmen and policy organizers in carry out halal certification in batik products. Based on the analysis that has been done, the researcher concludes that halal certification in batik aims to provide legal certainty for the use of the materials used by the community. Sociologically Islamic law practices legal certifications and protects property (hifdzul mal) from producers and consumers, so that mutual benefit is achieved. Then the lack of guarantee of Halal Products the government in implementing the Act so as to make the process of implementing halal certification not optimal.} }