%S Prosiding %A Saifuddin Zuhri Qudsy %T Living Hadith in a Family: Toward an Ethnographic Study of Hadith %X This paper aims to examine the Islamic life that emerges in a small family living in the district of Banguntapan, Bantul, Yogyakarta. I want to show how one family's life is strongly influenced by an understanding of Islam that is acquired from a variety of things; could be a book or study groups. %N - %K Living Hadith in a Family, Toward an Ethnographic, Study of Hadith %P 279-285 %B PROCEEDING INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE and CALL for PAPERS" "Peaceful Life in Islam: Local and Global Challenges" %V - %C Kudus %D 2016 %I STAIN Kudus %L digilib37503