%S prosiding %A Achmad Charris Zubair %T Religion in the Post-Truth Society %X In Mahabaratha epic story, Durma—a commader in Baratha Yudha war from Kurawa side—was able to break the Pandawa’s defensive forces. This led to Krishna’s fear that if Durna continued to be in the side of Kurawas, Pandawa will soon lose the battle. Yet, Krishna got the the key of Durna’s weakness— that he is too in love with his son Aswathama. Krishna used the Durna’s weakness to build the strategy to break his power. First, Arjuna was asked to create fake news about the death of Aswathama, so Durna will be in deep misery and he will lose all his power. For sure, Arjuna refused to do that. Even though he opposed Durna, he did not want to create fake news as he also considered Durna as his teacher so he paid respect to him. In other battle, Bima was commanded to killed the elephant troop in war, named Istithama. Istithama had similar rhyme with Aswathama. When finally the elephant was killed, Pandawa had announced that Istithama the elephant has died in the hand of Bima. The death of Istithama was heard among Kurawa troop. However, as ‘Istithama’ has the same rhyme with ‘Aswathama’, some Kurawans heard that ‘Aswathama’ who was killed in the battle with Bima. Soon the information that heard was ‘Aswathama’ (not ‘Istithama’) who killed in the battle. At the end, the news had finally been heard by Durna. Durna decided to ask to one of his student, that known for his honest reputation, named Yudhistira. He answered the question—with his mumbled voice, “Yes, Isti was killed in the battle”. Yudhistira, of course, told the truth. However, he talked with low voice so it was heard unclearly. Unfortunately, Durna heard ‘Istithama’ as ‘Asthatama’. As Durna was confused and worried, he was too shocked and broken hearted to accept the death of Aswathama. He gave up to be a warrior and lived as an ascetic. Living in his grieve, he had no resistance when Drestajumena killed himself. From the excerpt of the scene of epic story “Mahabharata” above, even the ones that considered as the most honest groups, which is Pandawa, used ‘hoax’ as part of strategies to win the battle. Who are they in this recent modern world situation? %N - %K religioun, post-truth %P xii-xv %B PROCEEDINGS Adab-International Conference on Information and Cultural Sciences “Cultural Literacy and Islam in the Post-Truth Society” %C YOGYAKARTA %D 2019 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib37708