@article{digilib380, month = {June}, title = {NEO-SINKRETISME PETANI MUHAMMADIYAH}, author = { ABDUL MUNIR MULKHAN }, publisher = {Perpustakaan UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta}, year = {2008}, journal = {/Jurnal/Al-Jamiah/Al-Jamiah No. 59 Th. 1996/}, keywords = {Neo-Sinkretisme, Petani, Muhammadiyah}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/380/}, abstract = {Syncretisme is a belief that grows among rural peasants. The growt of the belief is closely related to their social and economic status. for this reason MUhammadiyah, as an ISlamic purifying organization, is not well accepted by them. Social changes in which the number of population increases and the farm-land and shelter decreases, has fostered rationalization myths and supernatural belief. Since then, Muhammadiyah is gradually accepted by rural peasants In essence, the syncretic belief of the peasants is not in accordance with Muhammadyah principles. Eventhough, the data show an increasing number of rural peasants who commit to this organization. This commitment means distortion of functional relationship pattern between work and belief. Being Muhammadiyah folowers can bring contradiction to thier previous belief and thier life pattern. Such kind of internal contradiction raises a conflict of belief which leads to the rise of syncretism and MUhammadiyah movement changed on the bases of their cultural system. This fact shows belief dualism among rural peasants. Muhammadiyah has a mission eradicating syncretisme which has been the basis of rural peasants view. The Comitment of the peasants to folllow this organiszation does not mean rejection of this belief. Rather, life pattern and struggle of fulfilling their daily needs make them choose both, organization and belief, which give rise to new syncretism. economic and political crisis urges the peasants to take Muhammadiyah as their new identity which will bring up their position in the changing social structure. Consequently, the function of the organization changes into more or less, a mediator in facing social, economic and political structure which is bigger and modern. On one hand, to make them accepted by MUhammadiyah community, their syncretic belief and its ritual systems are modified. and the other hand, some of MUhammadiyah institution components are sacralized according to thier way of life. Such a condition could bring a carismatic experience, in which Muhammadiyah Commmitment of peasants is stronger than that of other followers.b} }