%A NIM. 12730059 HAMDI ARSYADANA %O Rama Kertamukti, M.Sn %T PEMAKNAAN PESAN (DECODING MESSAGE) REMAJA DALAM POLA PEMIKIRAN KHALAYAK PADA TAYANGAN SINETRON DI TELEVISI (STUDI ANALISIS TERHADAP REMAJA DI LINGKUNGAN DUKUH GLEDEGAN, DESA KOPEN, KECAMATAN TERAS, KABUPATEN BOYOLALI PADA TAYANGAN SINETRON DUNIA TERBALIK DI STASIUN TELEVISI RCTI) %X The inverse of world soap opera aired on television mass Media namely RCTI since January 5, 2017 raised the story of the husband who abandoned his wife to work abroad. They are husbands who are the responsibilities of a wife, the opposite of wives who do the responsibilities of husbands. That story is the phenomenon because the stories aired across the norm also the subtantial social value in community. The scene presents a unique frame of the life of a society that is not in accordance with the norm of society in general packed with light stories but contains lot of meanings. This research aims to determine the message of the audience (decoding message) of teenagers to the content of the impression. The research method used is a qualitative method with an analysis study approach. Basic theory using Struart Hall theory is the message (Decoding Message) that perception, interpretation and thought to be a unit of analysis and then can be concluded in three categories of positions, namely the position of dominant hegemony (Dominant Reading), negotiating position (Negotiated Reading), and position of opposition (Oppotional Reading). Such processes do not necessarily produce the same meaning, as they are influenced by different audiences capacities. Data is obtained from an in-depth interview of the eight juvenile informant of Dukuh Gledegan, Kopen village, Teras District, Boyolali Regency. The results showed that the informant attitude to the contents of the reversed world impressions is divided into only two categories of positions, there are seven informant who are in opposition position (oppotional reading), there is one informant in the position of negotiation ( negotiated reading), and none of them are in the position of dominant hegemony (dominant reading). Perception, interpretation, and thinking of the informant are the main factors in the process of the message (decoding message). %K Decoding Message, Audience Thinking Patterns %D 2019 %I UNIVERSITAS ISLAM NEGERI SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib38011