%A NIM. 12730067 MUHAMMAD TERPUJI %O H. Bono Setyo, M.Si., %T PENGARUH KOMUNIKASI INTERPERSONAL KARYAWAN DENGAN PELANGGAN TERHADAP TINGKAT LOYALITAS PELANGGAN (SURVEY PADA PELANGGAN KEDAI KOPI PASTE YOGYAKARTA) %X This study aims to determine the effect of employee interpersonal communication with customers on the customer loyalty level of the Coffee Paste Shop. The subjects in this study were consumers and customers from the Coffee Paste Shop. This reasearch use data collection method, which is the scale of interpersonal communication and customer loyalty scale. Data analysis used is product moment correlation test and simple linear regression test. The results obtained are: 1. The magnitude of the influence between employee interpersonal communication with the customers of Coffee Paste Shop is 0.154 with a significance value (Sig.) 0,000 <0.05. This shows that there is a significant influence is 15,4 % on the customer loyalty level of the Coffee Paste Shop and 84,6% influenced by other factors. 2. The magnitude of the correlation coefficient of interpersonal communication of employees with customers towards the customer loyalty level of the Coffee Paste Shop is 0.392. This shows that the correlation has a low relationship seen from Sugiyono’s Pearson Product Moment Pearson correlation 2010. Where 0, 392 is in the interval 0, 20 - 0,399. %K Interpersonal Communication, Customer Loyalty. %D 2019 %I UNIVERSITAS ISLAM NEGERI SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib38044