%A NIM. 15730061 NADIA NUR HADIJAH %O Niken Puspitasari, M.Si %T PENGGUNAAN MEDIA BARU SEBAGAI TUJUAN PROMOSI WISATA DAERAH (STUDI DESKRIPTIF KUALITATIF PADA APLIKASI PLESIR KEBUMEN OLEH DINAS KEPEMUDAAN, OLAHRAGA DAN PARIWISATA KABUPATEN KEBUMEN) %X Kebumen’s government creates Aplications Plesir Kebumen to promote Kebumen tourism because Kebumen has the variety of culture like a cultural dance, traditional clothes and food also beautiful local tourism. The usage of Plesir Kebumen was used to a subject of this research because of its “richness” according of Media Richness Theory by Darft and Langel (1986) that focus on a media usage and its abbility to spread the informations and minimize the difference intrepertations. This research is using a qualitatif method on Plesir Kebumen. During the research, the researcher visited the interviewees and do a deep, directly interview, observation, documentation and prove it by triangulation. The research proving that the symbol, text and vidios feature of Plesir Kebumen are compatible to be a strategy as a promotion of Kebumen natural tourism. %K New Media, Promotions, Natural Tourism %D 2019 %I UNIVERSITAS ISLAM NEGERI SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib38167