%A 15730054 Yanuar Fajar Pamungkas %O Lukman Nusa M.Ikom, %T PENGGUNAAN INSTAGRAM SEBAGAI MEDIA PROMOSI WISATA PANTAI NGLAMBOR (Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif pada akun Instagram @pantai_nglambor Bintang Nglambor Snorkeling) %X The development of technology and information that is growing rapidly nowadays is used and utilized by business people to market their products, one of which is as a promotional media, especially in the field of tourism. One of the internet technologies is social media, namely Instagram. This study aims to analyze how Instagram is used as a promotional media for Nglambor Beach tourism by one of the managers namely Bintang Nglambor Snorkeling. Bintang Nglambor Snorkeling is an organization managing Nglambor Beach that promotes Nglambor Beach through Instagram on the @pantai_nglambor account. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method by collecting data through interviews and documentation and then analyzing it using Marketing Communication theory using the Promotion Mix tool by Kotler and Keller and the linkage of using Instagram features. Then test the validity of the data using the expert triangulation method. The results of this study state that in promoting Nglambor Beach using Instagram media in the form of posts, captions, comments, hashtags, tags, likes, followers, mentions, geotagging, instagram stories and direct messages can support the online promotion process in providing information and influencing tourists to visit Nglambor Beach. Keywords: Marketing Communication, Use of Social Media, Promotion, Instagram, Nglambor Beach %K Marketing Communication, Use of Social Media, Promotion, Instagram, Nglambor Beach %D 2019 %I UIN Sunan Kalijaga %L digilib38220