@phdthesis{digilib38227, month = {December}, title = {KOMUNIKASI PERSUASIF DALAM TRANSFER NILAI AKHLAK TERHADAP ANGGOTA KOMUNITAS MOTOR (Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif pada Bikers Subuhan Jogja)}, school = {UIN Sunan Kalijaga}, author = {NIM. 15730099 Muhammad Wafiq Islami}, year = {2019}, note = {Lukman Nusa, M.I.Kom}, keywords = {Persuasive Communication, Moral Value, Motorcycle Community, Bikers Subuhan Jogja}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/38227/}, abstract = {Bikers Subuhan Jogja as one of the motorcycle communities in Yogyakarta wants to change the negative stigma in the environment, regarding of the motorcycle community phenomenon by Islamic religius activities, that name is congregation dawn prayer. This research is discussing about persuasive communication in the transfer of moral value. The problem from this research about how Bikers Subuhan Jogja to use persuasive communication for transfering moral values to their members, so the members of this community have a good character and also can be emulated by others. This research use qualitative descriptive method with observation, deep interview and also use documentation for take the data. Persuasive communication theory by Onong Uchjana Effendy is used to analyzed the phenomenon in the field. Based on the method, this research want to find the answer from the problem in this research with using Persuasive Communication technique about how to transfering moral values, that start from moral value of Allah SWT, Moral Value to other people and also moral value to the environment. This research found the fact that Bikers Subuhan Jogja did to all persuasive communication techniques for transfering moral values to their members. But in each of these technique not all moral values are transfered, only in the association technique that carried out by Bikers Subuhan Jogja to transfer the moral values as a whole. Keywords: Persuasive Communication, Moral Value, Motorcycle Community, Bikers Subuhan Jogja.} }