eprintid: 38756 rev_number: 13 eprint_status: archive userid: 6 dir: disk0/00/03/87/56 datestamp: 2020-11-02 12:24:44 lastmod: 2020-11-02 12:36:29 status_changed: 2020-11-02 12:24:44 type: thesis metadata_visibility: show creators_name: Mukhsin Achmad, NIM. 1530016053 title: MUI, FATWA, AND VIOLENCE AGAINST SHI`ITE MINORITY IN SAMPANG, MADURA ispublished: pub subjects: S_I divisions: pps_si full_text_status: restricted keywords: MUI, Fatwa,SHI'ITE note: 1. Prof. Dr. Khoiruddin Nasution 2. Dr. Moch. Nur Ichwan, M.A. abstract: This dissertation investigates the role of the Council of Indonesian Ulama (MUI) in the Sampang Regency in producing a fatwa against the shi`ite minority, and the relation of this fatwa to the violence that occurred in Sampang, Madura. This dissertation emphasizes the violence against the Shi'i minority in this Regency that occured both directly and indirectly. Until now, the conflict and violence has not yet found a meaningful solution. Related to this problem, there are several research questions. The first, how did this violence against the Shi'ite community occur? What were the factors behind the violence, and why was the fatwa from MUI produced in Sampang Regency? Was there a connection between the fatwa and public policy in the area, and the violence that occurred? What was the implications of violence against the Shi`ite minority group? To answer the questions above, this dissertation uses several theories to support it. The main theory for answering about conflict and violence is Johan Galtung's theory of triangulation of violence. Galtung divides violence into three categories. Firstly, direct violence, followed by indirect violence, which he called structural violence, and thirdly cultural violence. The other theory is from Norman Fairclough about critical discourse analysis (CDA). Violence against the shi`i Sampang community includes direct, indirect (structural) as well as cultural violence. Violence both directly in the form of burning, killing and expulsion transformed into structural violence through religious and state instruments, with the fatwa and local public policies. While cultural violence occured through the discourse concerning shi`a as a heretical sect. Conflict and violence occured at both the individual and community level. Fatwa as a religious instrument played an indirect role in the making of regional public policies (Governor's regulations) in East Java. In emphasizing the issue, this dissertation also uses Fairclough's theory of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA). This theory helps to uncover the process of production, consumption and distribution of fatwas and public policies, as well as their discourse and practice. This qualitative research combines bibliographic and empirical investigations. This method required me to collect a lot of data and analyze it. Some research findings are as follows: the first, the fatwa was not the single cause of violence, but violence is caused by the accumulation of many interrelated factors connected to both individuals and social groups in the struggle for discourse and social practices in Sampang, including ideology, socio-economics, politics, psychology, and the background of the family. Second, direct violence transformed into structural violence after MUI issued a fatwa, and the fatwa became one of the considerations in the making of local public policy (for instance Governor's regulation). Even though fatwas have been produced to protect orthodoxy from the influence of Shiite groups (heterodoxy), fatwas have been used as religious instruments which have been transformed into state instruments. In this case, what actually happened was "positivisation of the fatwa." Positivation of fatwas is the process of transformation from the fatwa being morally binding to something that is legally binding. Thirdly, there was structural and cultural violence, where one influences the other. This condition had an impact on the process of relocation, resulting in the displacement Shiite communities (from Sampang to Sidoarjo). The final finding is dealing with the post-violence reconciliation process. This reconciliation involves local wisdoms and religious celebration approaches, such as celebrating before the hajj (walimat al-safar), marriage, tibi taretan (working together), and other social activities. This research is useful for the baseline, for those who care about minorities, and their relationship with the majority. Reconciliation between the majority and minority is absolutely necessary, so that religious life in Indonesia remains harmonious country. date: 2019-10-18 date_type: published pages: 328 institution: UIN Sunan Kalijaga department: Pascasarjana thesis_type: doctoral thesis_name: other citation: Mukhsin Achmad, NIM. 1530016053 (2019) MUI, FATWA, AND VIOLENCE AGAINST SHI`ITE MINORITY IN SAMPANG, MADURA. Doctoral thesis, UIN Sunan Kalijaga. document_url: https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/38756/1/1530016053_BAB%201_BAB_TERAKHIR_DAFTAR-PUSTAKA.pdf document_url: https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/38756/2/1530016053_BAB%202_S.D._BAB_SEBELUM_TERAKHIR.pdf