relation: title: MANAJEMEN KOMUNIKASI DINAS LINGKUNGAN HIDUP KOTA YOGYAKARTA DALAM MENANGANI JOGJA DARURAT SAMPAH creator: Auliya Ihza Husnudldlon, NIM: 15730013 subject: Komunikasi Sosial description: It is time for waste management, which is collected, transported and disposed of, is transformed into waste management based and independent waste management. Communication plays an important role in the running of the program because the community as the activator of the program, needs to get socialization, also assistance and the process requires good communication to establish cooperation between the Yogyakarta City Environment Agency and the people of Yogyakarta City. The research in this thesis discusses the communication management of Yogyakarta City Environment Agency in handling Waste Emergency Jogja in the 2019 Waste Bank program. This research uses four steps the Cutlip, Center, and Broom Communication Management Stages (2006); Planning and Management Methods, in Yusuf Zainal Abidin’s book. There are identifying problems, planning, action, and communication then the fourth evaluation. Data taken directly through interviews, observations, and literature reviews such as supporting documents or literature. Interviews with informants from the Solid Waste Management Department, the Environment, community, and management of the Waste Bank. Test the validity of the data by applying the practices applied to the Yogyakarta City Environment Agency to academics who are also practitioners of Environmental Health date: 2020-01-20 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: id identifier: format: text language: id identifier: identifier: Auliya Ihza Husnudldlon, NIM: 15730013 (2020) MANAJEMEN KOMUNIKASI DINAS LINGKUNGAN HIDUP KOTA YOGYAKARTA DALAM MENANGANI JOGJA DARURAT SAMPAH. Skripsi thesis, UIN Sunan Kalijaga.