@phdthesis{digilib38766, month = {January}, title = {ANALISIS NARATIF PESAN KEBINEKAAN PADA FILM MERAH PUTIH KARYA YADI SUGANDI}, school = {UIN Sunan Kalijaga}, author = {NIM 15730089 Afriyanto}, year = {2020}, note = {Fajar Iqbal, S.Sos., M.Si}, keywords = {diversity, narrative analysis, film.}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/38766/}, abstract = {The diversity of tribes, religions, races and groups is often a factor that causes conflict in society, this incident is not in accordance with the basic motto of the Indonesian state, "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika" which means that even though it is still different. Therefore the conscious message of diversity must always be conveyed to the public. This study examines the message of diversity in the film "Merah Putih" by Yadi Sugandi released in 2009, in the film tells about the struggle of soldiers who have different backgrounds fighting together to defend the independence of the Republic of Indonesia. The study was conducted using a narrative analysis of the Tzvetan Todorov model, which is to analyze the narrative structure of the story in the film based on the stages of the plot. In the initial plot, middle channel, and final channel are analyzed verbal messages and nonverbal messages about diversity contained in the story of the film "Merah Putih" by Yadi Sugandi. The results showed that the narrative of the diversity message in the film "Merah Putih" by Yadi Sugandi was conveyed verbally and non -ally through the characters in the film at the beginning, middle, and end. The cause of diversity is the diversity of ethnic groups, religions, races and groups.} }