%A NIM: 13710055 Muhammad Edwin Satriatama %O Mayreyna Nurwardani, S. Psi., M. Psi. %T PROSES PEMBENTUKAN ORIENTASI KEWIRAUSAHAAN PADA WIRASWASTA DENGAN LATAR BELAKANG BALAI LATIHAN KERJA KABUPATEN WONOSOBO %X Vacational Training is which one of Indonesia’s goverment programs to increased citizen entrepreneurship. In really, many Vocational Trainin’sg graduater not be entrepreneur. Based Lumpkin & Dess (1996) entrepreneurial orientation must hold on entrepreneur. Because entrepreneurial orientation show how strong is entrepreneur’s performance built their firm. This research aimed to know how is entrepreneurial orientation steps built in entrepreneurs. The methodology have been used by qualitative fenomenology. There are three entrepreneurs were participate in this research. They are entrepreneur have backgroud Training. This research found that Entrepreneurial Orientation are sistematic steps of entrepreneurs, to responded all entrepreneurship challenge. Enterpeneurial orientation process starting from entrepreneur’s autonomy to more standing and development. The autonomy driven entreprenour to more inovative, taking some risk behavior, more proactive to ekspand business, and ready to competing when they are against all challenge as entrepreneur. There are similiar pattern from dimensions proactive and competitive agresiveness, because this have similiar behavior, motive and impact when entrepreneurs tried to built their business. Proactive and competitive aggresiveness shoed by steps to kept customer trust and image of their product %K Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurial Orientation, Vactional Training %D 2020 %I UIN Sunan Kalijaga %L digilib38767