%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A AUSHOF ALBAITS, NIM. 15340113 %B FAKULTAS SYARI’AH DAN HUKUM %D 2019 %F digilib:38818 %I UNIVERSITAS ISLAM NEGERI SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Indigenous Peace, National Crime, Delik Rape %P 118 %T KESEPAKATAN ADAT DALAM KASUS PERKOSAAN (STUDI KASUS PUTUSAN PENGADILAN NEGERI YOGYAKARTA NOMOR 366/Pid/2018PN.YK.) %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/38818/ %X Article 28 D paragraph (1) which states that every person has the right to approval, guarantee, protection and fair legal certainty and the same maintenance in law. The author finds a rape legal case that has approved customary law by paying compensation for the victim's family and the family wants to revoke the report, but the police continue to go to court. Until the defendant through Court Decision Number 366 / Pid.B. / 2018 / PN.YK dated 26 February 2019 approved that it has been proven valid and is responsible for the prevention of rape being transferred and threatened with safety in Article 285 of the Criminal Code and shunned by the court on why it should be carried out 2 (two) years and 6 (six) months. The aim of the research is to find out the implementation of the adat agreement in the Rape Case in ObserveDecision Number 366 / Pid.B. / 2018 / PN.YK. and explain the reasons for resolving customary law justice in Court Decision Number 366 / Pid.B. / 2018 / PN.YK. This type of research is library research using normative juridical. The data analysis method used is descriptive analytic. The method of retrieving data with literature or known as secondary data discusses primary legal material based on the Criminal Procedure Law, secondary legal material containing legal books as well as court decisions and tertiary legal materials such as legal dictionaries. Based on the discussion, it can be concluded, 1) Implementation of customary agreements in rape cases (Case Study of Court Decision Number 366 / Pid.B. / 2018 / PN.YK is not responded according to choices that do not guarantee legal certainty, welfare and utilization benefits for each 2) Reason for Rejection of the Implementation of Customary Law in Court Decision Number 366 / Pid.B. / 2018 / PN.YK. Because of a number of factors, namely customary protection not regulated in national courts, rape including ordinary offenses, courts in Indonesia are not recognized Precedents or judges' decisions are approved, judges using a system of positive verification of wettelijk bewijstheorie and judges in Indonesia have never used the legal compensation intended in Timor Leste. %Z Dr. Budi Ruhiatudin, S.H., M.Hum.