@mastersthesis{digilib38950, month = {July}, title = {PEMIKIRAN ABDUL MUNIR MULKHAN TENTANG KONSTRUKSI FILSAFAT TARBIYAH DAN RELEVANSINYA DENGAN PENGEMBANGAN FUNGSI FAKULTAS ILMU TARBIYAH DAN KEGURUAN (FITK)}, school = {UNIVERSITAS ISLAM NEGERI SUNAN KALIJAGA}, author = {NIM. 1520411078 Wagiyo}, year = {2019}, note = {Prof. Dr. H. Maragustam, M. A}, keywords = {Thought, Abdul Munir Mulkhan, Tarbiyah Philosophy Construction}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/38950/}, abstract = {The unclear of Islamic education?s identity threats the Islamic education existence. This condition makes theoretical basic framework and islamic education which are often taken from secular thoughts. It can be found on philosophy books -islamic education philosophy dictate that are seldom to expose moslem philosopher thoughts and islamic institution model which is not sourced from islamic value. Actually, Intelectual value can solve about seculer thoughts. Abdul Munir Mulkhan gives an idea about tarbiyah philosophy reconstruction by learning more about moslem philosophy thoughts. He proposed that his idea could anticipate from seculer threaten. It also as first step to build Islamic education identity. Marifat intelligent as a tarbiyah core (Islamic education philosophy) was abdul?s thought to develop the function of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education to product the theory of the education practical in the middle of moslem community in Indonesia. This thesis is library research about Abdul Munir?s thought about tarbiyah philosophy construction. The collecting data was documentation. The technical analysis by content analysis with approach philosophy was used as data analysis. . The result shows (1) Munir criticized about Islamic philosophy education books. (a) He proved that there were many islamic philosophy books did not expose moslem philosophy at special history. (b) it did not take abstraction from the education reality as arrange Islamic education philosophy value (c) it describes normative doctrine as teaching than theory. (2) Islamic education ontology, epistemology, aksiology beside Munir?s thought about tarbiyh philosophy contruction. To seek the idea, we can see two steps (a) to understand three Islamic education branch ; conservative, religious and pragmatic (b) to understand Islamic philosophy idea map that consist of peripatic, ilumiation, irfani and kalam (3) Abdul?s thought about developin of FITK function. To support FITK part to develop Islamic education practical theory that grow freely in Indonesian moslem community; taklim tradition, pesantren, madrasah, Islamic school and Islamic boarding school without refusing modern secular learning theory.} }