relation: title: STUDI KOMPARASI PEMIKIRAN K.H. AHMAD DAHLAN DAN K.H. HASYIM ASY’ARI TENTANGPENDIDIKAN ISLAM creator: MARZIA HERAWATI, NIM. 17204010179 subject: Pendidikan Agama Islam description: The goal of this study is to develop Islamic education through a series of studies on the thinking of K.H. Ahmad Dahlan and K.H. Hasyim Asy’ari about Islamic education. The author brings back the thoughts of the two figures, because both are wellknown icons of thousands of Muslim intellectual figures, whose lives are preoccupied to fight for Islamic education. On this basis the author later raised the title of a comparative study of K.H's thought. Ahmad Dahlan and K.H. Hasyim Asy'ari about Islamic education. Belong to that basis the title of a comparative study through the through of K.H. Ahmad Dahlan and K.H. Hasyim Asy’ari about Islamic education. The author hope that he conception of Islamic education offered by the two figures is able to inspire elements of education implementers. The focus of the problem in this study is (1) Islamic education thinking according to K.H. Ahamd Dahlan, (2) Islamic education thought according to K.H. Hasyim Asy'ari, and (3) Comparative thinking of K.H. Ahmad Dahlan and K.H. Hasyim Asy’ari about Islamic education This reseachuses a descriptive qualitative approach to the type of library research. Data collection is done by exploring the sources of literature conducted in three stages, namely orientation, exploration, and focused research phase. Data analysis techniques include determining the theme, looking for a logical relationship between the thoughts of the character in various fields so that reasons can be found regarding these thoughts, classifying, looking for generalizations of specific ideas. The results showed that: (1) K.H. Ahmad Dahlan tried to make a new breakthrough by creating schools that integrate religious studies and general subjects at the same time, so that they are expected to become "intellectual scholars and intellectual scholars". (2) K.H. Hasyim Asy'ari taught the religious sciences, Arabic, and included general subjects such as mathematics and earth sciences, from the low to the high levels, as evidenced by the construction of the Tebuireng Islamic Boarding School which produced great scholars. (3) The concept of education produced by the two figures is agreed that the basis or foundation of Islamic education must return to the primary sources of Muslims, namely the Qur'an and Hadith, while the differences seen from the two figures are about the objectives, curriculum, methods and evaluation of Islamic education. The concept of Education is K.H. AhmadDahlan and K.H. Hasyim Asy'ari is still relevant when applied to education today because it contains universal-minded education. date: 2019-09-13 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: id identifier: format: text language: id identifier: identifier: MARZIA HERAWATI, NIM. 17204010179 (2019) STUDI KOMPARASI PEMIKIRAN K.H. AHMAD DAHLAN DAN K.H. HASYIM ASY’ARI TENTANGPENDIDIKAN ISLAM. Masters thesis, UNIVERSITAS ISLAM NEGERI SUNAN KALIJAGA.