%A NIM. 17204010114 Siti Maisah %O DR. Hj. R. Umi Baroroh, M.Ag. %T PENGEMBANGAN MEDIA ICE BREAKING UNTUK MENINGKATKAN MOTIVASI BELAJAR SISWA BAHASA ARAB KELAS VII MADRASAH MUALLIMAT YOGYAKARTA %X The developmet of this research is to get the ice breaking book as a decent product and to test the effectivity of product to increase the learning of Arabic language Motivation from 7th grade student. Development model in this research uses Borg and Gall Development model. From 10 stages of development. The reasercher simplified it to 9 stages of developmet. The subject test is 100 Students dan 1 Teacher. 36 Students as class of Experiment (VII F) and 44 Student as class of control (VII E). Collected the data is using the teacher and student response questionnaire, Observation, Interview and Documentation. The analytic of data using the independent T-test and Paired T-Test with sig. 0.05. The Result of this reaserch is an ice breaking book. This book get the good predicate from the Language Aspect, Theme and examples ice breaking sample through validation tests, trial product, usage test and effectiveness test. The average score result of feasibility test based on assessment by material expert is 4,4 get “very good” category, average score validation from material expert is 3,67 get the “good” category, average score from teacher to product is 4,44 get the good category and student response to product is 4,24 get “very good” category. Effectiveness test result in independent sample t-test is 0,040 < 0,05 on motivation aspect, and paired sample t-test is 0,000< 0,50 on motivation aspect. Conclusion from this research is the product of ice breaking book is worthy to use and very effective to increase and influencing motivation for learning Arabic in 7th grade students. %K Ice Breaking, Motivation and Arabic Language Student %D 2019 %I UNIVERSITAS ISLAM NEGERI SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib39034