%A NIM. 17204010141 Umi Hani %O Dr. Istiningsih,M.Pd %T PENGARUH METODE PEMBELAJARAN IMAJINATIF PADA MATA PELAJARAN SEJARAH KEBUDAYAAN ISLAM TERHADAP SELF AWARENESS SISWA %X The background of this problem is not the emergence of Self Awareness of students in learning the History of Islamic Culture which has caused the achievement of some of the objectives of this subject, namely to build awareness of students about the importance of history in the past. Learning by using the method of imagination brings students into the world of their imagination about historical stories, then lives around them then reveals it, this method is allegedly able to influence students' Self Awareness and slowly achieve learning goals. This study aims to determine the level of self awareness of class V MI Sananul Ula students, to know the implementation of imaginative learning methods on Islamic Culture History subjects, to know whether there are differences in self-awareness of control class students and experimental classes, and to know the influence of imaginative learning methods on subjects History of Islamic Culture on Self Awareness of Grade V students of MI Sananul Ula Piyungan. This research is a combination of Concurrent embedded design research with a quantitative approach as the primary method that guides the research and a qualitative approach as a secondary database that plays a supporting role in research procedures. Data collection techniques were carried out through Observation, Interview, Questionnaire (questionnaire) and documentation, while data analysis techniques were carried out in two stages, namely initial data analysis techniques which included normality tests and test different in the average pre test data, then final data analysis techniques which included normality test and different test average results of the post test, as well as simple regression tests to measure the influence of the imaginative method on Self Awareness. The results of this study indicate that (1) the level of self-awareness of class V students of Sananul Ula MI in the high category with a frequency of 60%, with the condition of students in class V having the same self-awareness. (2) imaginative learning methods implemented in the experimental class using three learning techniques. Based on the results of the regression test, all three have a significant effect on student self awareness of 29.5%, 17.7%, and 26.3%. Counting gossip techniques have more influence than other techniques, corroborated by the statement that 70% of students like gossiping techniques. (3) there are differences in student self-awareness in the control class and experimental class which are known through the post test results. The difference in average post test results was 6.64103 with sig (2-Tailed) 0.003 <0.05 meaning significant differences. This is confirmed by the results of observations and interviews that students in the experimental class showed more indicators of self awareness than control class students. %K Imaginative Learning Methods, Experiments, Pre test, Post Test, Self Awareness. %D 2019 %I UNIVERSITAS ISLAM NEGERI SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib39064