<> "The repository administrator has not yet configured an RDF license."^^ . <> . . . "LIVING QUR’AN DAN HADIS\r\nDI MI NURUL UMMAH KOTAGEDE\r\nYOGYAKARTA\r\n(Studi Pendidikan Nilai dalam Pembelajaran Al-\r\nQur’an Hadis Kelas 1-3)"^^ . "Living Qur’an and Hadith are familiar with the\r\narea of social research, both within the scope of particular\r\ncommunities and the wider community. This study, in\r\nessence, is important to be developed in educational\r\ninstitutions, as an effort to restore the “spirit” of Islamic\r\neducation by making the Qur’an and Hadith as “living\r\ntexts” in schools/madrasas. This study aims to analyze the\r\nlearning of Al-Qur’an hadiths in grades 1-3 and analyze\r\nthe efforts of living Qur’an and hadith in MI Nurul\r\nUmmah Kotagede Yogyakarta through value education in\r\nlearning al-Qur’an hadith classes 1-3 MI.\r\nThis study used a qualitative approach with\r\ncombining a descriptive-analytic approach with settings of\r\nactivities (field research) and library research. Research\r\nsubjects consisted of data and data sources, data obtained\r\nthrough observation, interviews and document studies.\r\nWhereas, the source of data is obtained through (1) the\r\nsubject of primary data, namely: teacher of al-Qur’an\r\nhadith classes 1-3, class teacher, tahfiz and tahsin teacher,\r\nand students of MI Nurul Ummah. and (2) secondary data\r\nsubjects, namely: headmaster, administrative staff and\r\nparents/guardians of students. Next, the data are analyzed\r\nthrough data reduction, data presentation, and concluding.\r\nThe results of the data analysis were then tested for\r\nvalidity through triangulation techniques concerning to the\r\nLincoln and Gulba standards, namely: credibility, dispute,\r\ndependency and certainly (confirmation).\r\nThe results showed that (1) Learning al-Qur’an\r\nhadith at MI Nurul Ummah was carried out in the class\r\nwith three methods, namely verbally and forming groups,\r\nlistening to students’ reading and memorization, and by\r\nreinforcement. Whereas outside the classroom, learning is\r\npracticed through madrasa programmed activities of 14\r\nactivities which are summarized into 3 aspects, namely:\r\n(a) madrasa routine, (b) ritual worship and (c) character\r\nbuilding; (2) The efforts of living Qur’an and hadith in MI\r\nNurul Ummah are demonstrated through the education of\r\nvalues in learning the Qur’anic traditions.\r\nSo students understand, appreciate and do\r\nsomething based on moral awareness. Its implementation\r\nbegins with the method of habituation programmed by the\r\nmadrasa. Then, marked by the behavior displayed by\r\nstudents in the form of a clean attitude, active learning of\r\nthe Qur’an, actively praying in congregation and loving\r\npeers. So, fulfilled 4 aspects of something called an effort\r\nto live the Qur’an and hadith, namely: oral, aural, writing\r\nand attitude."^^ . "2020-02-14" . . . . "UNIVERSITAS ISLAM NEGERI SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA"^^ . . . "PASCASARJANA, UNIVERSITAS ISLAM NEGERI SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA"^^ . . . . . . . . . "NIM. 18204080019"^^ . "Muhammad Shaleh Assingkily"^^ . "NIM. 18204080019 Muhammad Shaleh Assingkily"^^ . . . . . . "LIVING QUR’AN DAN HADIS\r\nDI MI NURUL UMMAH KOTAGEDE\r\nYOGYAKARTA\r\n(Studi Pendidikan Nilai dalam Pembelajaran Al-\r\nQur’an Hadis Kelas 1-3) (Text)"^^ . . . . . "18204080019_BAB-I_V_DAFTAR-PUSTAKA.pdf"^^ . . . "LIVING QUR’AN DAN HADIS\r\nDI MI NURUL UMMAH KOTAGEDE\r\nYOGYAKARTA\r\n(Studi Pendidikan Nilai dalam Pembelajaran Al-\r\nQur’an Hadis Kelas 1-3) (Text)"^^ . . . . . "LIVING QUR’AN DAN HADIS\r\nDI MI NURUL UMMAH KOTAGEDE\r\nYOGYAKARTA\r\n(Studi Pendidikan Nilai dalam Pembelajaran Al-\r\nQur’an Hadis Kelas 1-3) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "LIVING QUR’AN DAN HADIS\r\nDI MI NURUL UMMAH KOTAGEDE\r\nYOGYAKARTA\r\n(Studi Pendidikan Nilai dalam Pembelajaran Al-\r\nQur’an Hadis Kelas 1-3) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "LIVING QUR’AN DAN HADIS\r\nDI MI NURUL UMMAH KOTAGEDE\r\nYOGYAKARTA\r\n(Studi Pendidikan Nilai dalam Pembelajaran Al-\r\nQur’an Hadis Kelas 1-3) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "LIVING QUR’AN DAN HADIS\r\nDI MI NURUL UMMAH KOTAGEDE\r\nYOGYAKARTA\r\n(Studi Pendidikan Nilai dalam Pembelajaran Al-\r\nQur’an Hadis Kelas 1-3) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "LIVING QUR’AN DAN HADIS\r\nDI MI NURUL UMMAH KOTAGEDE\r\nYOGYAKARTA\r\n(Studi Pendidikan Nilai dalam Pembelajaran Al-\r\nQur’an Hadis Kelas 1-3) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "lightbox.jpg"^^ . . . "LIVING QUR’AN DAN HADIS\r\nDI MI NURUL UMMAH KOTAGEDE\r\nYOGYAKARTA\r\n(Studi Pendidikan Nilai dalam Pembelajaran Al-\r\nQur’an Hadis Kelas 1-3) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "preview.jpg"^^ . . . "LIVING QUR’AN DAN HADIS\r\nDI MI NURUL UMMAH KOTAGEDE\r\nYOGYAKARTA\r\n(Studi Pendidikan Nilai dalam Pembelajaran Al-\r\nQur’an Hadis Kelas 1-3) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "medium.jpg"^^ . . . "LIVING QUR’AN DAN HADIS\r\nDI MI NURUL UMMAH KOTAGEDE\r\nYOGYAKARTA\r\n(Studi Pendidikan Nilai dalam Pembelajaran Al-\r\nQur’an Hadis Kelas 1-3) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "small.jpg"^^ . . "HTML Summary of #39183 \n\nLIVING QUR’AN DAN HADIS \nDI MI NURUL UMMAH KOTAGEDE \nYOGYAKARTA \n(Studi Pendidikan Nilai dalam Pembelajaran Al- \nQur’an Hadis Kelas 1-3)\n\n" . "text/html" . . . "Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah"@id . .