%A NIM. 15690016 Farchan Oktavianto Pribadi %O Drs. Nur Untoro, M.Si %T PENGEMBANGAN ALAT PRAKTIKUM GERAK PARABOLA BERBASIS ARDUINO UNO UNTUK PESERTA DIDIK SMA/MA KELAS X %X This study aims to (1) produce arduino uno-based parabolic practicum, (2) determine the quality of arduino-uno-based parabolic practicum, and (3) determine students' responses and the implementation of arduino-uno-based parabolic practicum in the learning process. This research is a Research and Development (R&D) research with the development model is a procedural model. The development procedure uses a 3-D model that includes Define, Design, and Develop which is limited to extensive trials. The research instruments used were validation sheets, assessment sheets, student questionnaire responses sheets, and implementation observation sheets. The assessment of the quality of the arduino uno-based practicum tool uses a Likert scale with a scale of 4 and the responses of students using the Guttman scale are made in the form of a checklist. The implementation of the practicum tool uses a descriptive observation sheet. Drawing conclusions on the observational sheet in the form of narration and comparing other data such as students 'responses, documentation, and researchers' own observations. The results of the study were arduino uno-based parabolic motion practicum tools for grade X students. The quality of practicum tools based on the results of the assessment of material experts, media experts, and physics educators obtained excellent categories (SB) with average scores of 3.90, 3.93 and 3.42. Student responses to practicum tools in limited trials and extensive trials obtained the agreed category (S) with a mean score of 0.65 and 0.83. The results of practicability test results are based on observers' observations that students can take part in learning activities using practical tools. In the implementation test there are obstacles in the part of the installation of the coordinate screen so that the practicum tool is only suitable for use in a fixed place (not mobile). %K practicum tools, arduino uno, parabolic motion %D 2020 %I UNIVERSITAS ISLAM NEGERI SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib39221