%A NIM. 18204010020 Muhtadin %O Dr. H. Suyadi, M.A. %T KOMUNIKASI INTERPERSONAL GURU DALAM MENANAMKAN NILAI-NILAI PENDIDIKAN ISLAM STUDI KASUS DI SD ISLAM AL-AZHAR 59 WONOSARI YOGYAKARTA %X This research's background based on the phenomenon that the current era of information technology is increasingly advanced, there is a positive value from this progress but not a few negative impacts that occur, the current generation is a generation that is familiar with advanced technology, if there is no control there will be a negative impact on children. Education is an institution that has a stake in preventing these negative impacts, especially Islamic education institutions that focus on Islamic values. In learning activities and outside of learning, the teacher's role is to filter negative influences by instilling the values of Islamic education through teacher's interpersonal communication, it will be able to overcome the above problems. So the purposes of this study are: (1) explain teacher interpersonal communication (2) describe the role of teacher interpersonal communication in instilling the values of Islamic education (3) unfold the inhibiting factors of teacher interpersonal communication in instilling Islamic education values. This research is descriptive qualitative research with a communication approach. Data collection methods include observation, interviews, and documentation. As for processing and analyzing data by reducing data, conclusions are drawn. The results of this study are: (1) the teacher's interpersonal communication has a pattern that is primary, secondary, linear, circular to express attention to others, build and maintain harmonious relationships, influence attitudes and behavior, provide assistance (counseling) and can run effectively with openness, empathy, supportive attitude, positive attitude, and equality; (2) Interpersonal communication of teachers play a role in instilling the values of Islamic education, i'tiqodiyah education values, amaliyah education values, khuluqiyah education values, this is evidenced by the positive impact of the message being received by students. As for the inculcation of the values of Islamic education by the method of invitation to practice, reprimand, exemplary and habituation; (3) the obstacles of teacher interpersonal communication are the use of language that is too high, the classroom atmosphere is less conducive, students who cannot be friends. The solution to overcome this obstacle is to choose and use language that is easily understood by students, support for a conducive classroom atmosphere, and provide understanding to students who are not friendly. %K Teacher Interpersonal Communication, Islamic Education Values. %D 2020 %I UNIVERSITAS ISLAM NEGERI SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib39507