%A - ISTININGSIH %T NEW PARADIGM IN LEARNING Learning based on Object Issues Competency-based Curriculum Evaluation Process %X Learning paradigm has shifted, due to various changes occur in the environment of human life. Such changes occur both natural changes and changes in technology. It's like a circle that is difficult to detect from which the change occurred. Is the natural changes that started this life change, or changes in human culture, or technological change. All aspects and elements of human life has changed. These changes also have an impact in the world of education. Education is said have a clear and good vision if it is able to anticipate the changes that occur. Times have changed, nature is also changing, human life is also changing, science is also changing and developments, as well as education must also change. The essence of education is a learning process. Due to nature, science and other changes, the learning process should also undergo changes. The pupose of education in the 21st century and future is the quality of human resource. Qualified human resource is a human who is creative, innovative, flexible thinking, able to solve problems of life. Human resource characteristics above can be achieved by education. Characteristics of Human Resources mentioned above can be achieved through education. In education, the most important thing is a learning process. UNESCO education pillar (learn to know, to do, to be and to live together) can be used as a guideline education in each country. Four pillars can also be used as an educational goal. UNESCO also proclaimed about humanist learning process, including democratic, student-centered, and learning that is able to build visionary man. Active learning, creative, fun are expected to build an active, creative, intelligent, and innovative students. Thinking about the pillars of UNESCO and the learning process as described above has been known to all human resource education. But the essence of the pillar is not known by many people. Application of the UNESCO declaration is also not well understood by educators. Assessment of the pillars aimed at infrequent application possibilities even exist yet. So just like the rhetoric pillars. Some researchs about pillars of UNESCO have been done by author, both individual and joint research team. The purpose of research is finding application pillars of UNESCO. Writing about the new paradigm of education is something that is urgent and important to do because of the time demands that every country improve education. But what happened to Indonesia? Compass (2011) wrote to all the educational development index or education for all in Indonesia fell. When in 2010 Indonesia was ranked 65, this year dropped to 69. Based on data from the Education For All (EFA) Global Monitoring Report 2011: The Hidden Crisis, Armed Conflict and Education issued by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural United Nations (UNESCO), which was launched in New York on Monday (1/3 / 2011) local time, the development of education or education development index (EDI) based on 2008 data is 0.934. The value placed Indonesia in the 69th position of 127 countries in the world. Currently, Indonesia is still lagging of Brunei Darussalam, who is ranked 34th. Brunei Darussalam entered high achievement group with Japan, which reached number one in the world. As Malaysia is ranked 65th in the category of groups or still achieving medium like Indonesia. Learning objectives which make students competent and have the ability to be achieved if the process is using the curriculum (read: competency-based curriculum). Active, effective and please learning will be achieved if the process of learning uses the object issues. Services in accordance with the child's condition as well as humane education will be achieved when the applied evaluation is the evaluation process. Based on the above reasoning, it is very urgent to write a book that can help all parties to understand the humanist education. Humanistic education is education oriented to the development of children's potential and to build a dignified human being. Authors examine through practice in the field, based on logic and the basis of existing theory, to achieve the educational outcomes as expected, three important aspects that play a role that is competency-based curriculum, learning uses the object of study and evaluation process. Thus, this book is titled Through the Learning Object Issue - Use of Competency-based Curriculum and Evaluation Process. The above phrase used as the sub head of title. This is assumed as a new paradigm in learning, therefore full title following a New Paradigm in Learning: Learning Through Object Issue - Use of Competency-based Curriculum and Evaluation Process. The writing of this book are colored by the results of research conducted by the author. Research on learning patterns (2012) and learning object-based study (2013) as well as other studies such as the basic paradigm used teachers who further revealed in this book. The book is expected to contribute education in 21st century and the future. Systematics book is structured in such a way, from a philosophy of titles presented, until the results of the study that are relevant to the title. The book is expected to add to the discourse of the readers especially the education of human resources. This book contains a philosophical meaning and is expected to be implemented in the learning process. %C Yogyakarta %D 2017 %I Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan %L digilib39556