%A NIM. 16650027 ARNANDO FIRHAN PRAYUDHA %O Agus Mulyanto, M.Kom %T SISTEM PENDUKUNG KEPUTUSAN MENGGUNAKAN METODE SIMPLE ADDDITIVE WEIGHTING (SAW) DAN METODE WEIGHTED PRODUCT %X The development of the Family Planning Program (KB), which has been carried out since the 1970s, has made a positive contribution to the Indonesian people. The Family Planning Program is actually not intended to reduce the population. The real goal is to control population growth and improve quality small families so that it benefits the health of mothers and children. Therefore, community participation in the management of family planning programs is given wider opportunities through non-governmental organizations and community organizations as program managers and implementers. In an effort to increase community participation in the management of family planning programs, efforts have been made in the form of repositioning the role of field officers. This change is essentially about shifting the role of the PLKB, which has been acting as the program manager and implementer towards a more prominent role as the program leader and director in the field. To increase community participation in managing family planning programs, various efforts have been made to grow, foster and develop IMPs. This was done as a forum for community participation as well as field staff partners through the formation of the Rural Community Institution Group (IMP) at the village level, hamlet / RW level and RT level. In this study with the aim of selecting Exemplary IMP Cadres in the Berbah District Office I used 2 Methods: the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) Method and the Weighted Product (WP) Method. The results obtained in the study in the system that was built can be said to be the same as the results of manual calculations by the Berbah Sleman District Office. Both methods are relevant and have no difference in the final results of the calculation. %K Family Planning (KB), Rural Community Institutions (IMP), Simple Additive Weighting (SAW), Weighted Product (WP) method. %D 2020 %I UNIVERSITAS ISLAM NEGERI SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib39600