%A - Witriani %T Adab-International Conference on Information and Cultural Sciences “Cultural Literacy and Islam in the Post-Truth Society” %X In the midst of current globalization and the development of science, various cultural problems and social gap among the people have become daily consumption. Lack of knowledge and illiteracy have led people to respond the dynamics of social and cultural changes differently. Thus, various issues related to cultural illiteracy, cultural shock, and being trapped into misleading information in many areas, have become serious problem lately. That is why, this millennial is sometimes called as disruptive era, in which truth has always been questioned. Concerning this, the Faculty of Adab and Cultural Sciences UIN Sunan Kalijaga considers that it is necessary to hold an international seminar to accommodate and communicate the researches, problems and thoughts related to the significance of cultural literacy in the development of the science, knowledge and civilization from local to international level. Focusing on the four scientific fields as the core of the faculty, namely Arabic Language and Literature, History of Islamic Culture, Library Science and English Literature, this annual conference is expected to be a forum for scientific synergy, strengthening strategy from the four majors related to cultural literacy, language, history and information. The purpose of this activity is to give opportunity for the researchers and academicians not only disseminating their researches and thoughts in the fields of adab and cultural sciences, but also updating policies of the related areas. This international conference also provides an overview of knowledge and trends of research with a global perspective related to information, language, history and culture. The theme of the conference this year is The Cultural Literacy and Islam in the Posttruth society. Here, the conference not only focuses on cultural literacy in Arabic and English studies but also touches the issues of trajectory of Islamic culture and civilization; contributions of the sciences and civilization to Indonesian Islam and world peace; strengthening Indonesian Islam through science of civilization; Information retrieval for preserving cultural heritage's purposes, etc. On behalf of faculty and committee, I would like express my deep appreciation and respect to the keynote speakers, invited speakers, presenters, participants and all or the parties who participate and contribute to this conference. Hopefully, this seminar would give much contribution not only for academicians and society but also for knowledge and humanity. %P 199-207 %B Women and Violence in Popular Culture: A Portrayal of Social Construction and Media Commodification %D 2019 %C Yogyakarta %I UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta %L digilib39640