%0 Thesis %9 Masters %A HAMDAN ARIEF HANIF, NIM. 18203011018 %B Pascasarjana %D 2020 %F digilib:39716 %I UNIVERSITAS ISLAM NEGERI SUNAN KALIJAGA %K marriage ban, legal function, maqasid al-shari’ah %P 126 %T LARANGAN PERKAWINAN DENGAN REKAN SATU KANTOR DALAM PERSPEKTIF FUNGSI HUKUM DAN MAQASID AL-SYARI’AH %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/39716/ %X Marriage is aimed at forming a happy and eternal family (household) based on the Almighty God this is confirmed in Law No. 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage. Prohibition of marriage with office partners as stipulated in Law No. 13 of 2003 concerning Labor Article 153 paragraph 1 letter f causes not everyone can achieve this happiness. A lawsuit emerged which was then approved by the Constitutional Court to cancel the ban through the Constitutional Court Decision Number: 13 / PUU-XV / 2017 which later became the new rules regarding obtaining marriages with one office colleague. This study explains how the prohibition of marriages with one office colleague and the background is then viewed using the perspective of the legal function while the Constitutional Court Decision which cancels the marriage ban is seen from the perspective of the maqasid al-shari'ah. This type of research is a library research (library research) with a legal function approach and the al-syariah maqasid. While the method used in this research is descriptive analytical. In the data collection method, the compiler uses the method of observation and documentation. The results showed that the prohibition of marriage with one office partner departed from a fairly long background, so this ban was designed and ratified through very mature considerations. The prohibition of marriage with one office colleague is in accordance with the theory of legal functions which means that in its design it is already very relevant to the conditions of the community. Obtaining marriages with one office colleague when viewed with maqasid al-shari'ah has not shown any indication that the rules of acquisition provide benefits for all parties, both workers, employers and the government. %Z PROF. Drs., H. RATNO LUKITO, M.A., DCL.