%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A Ika Fitriana Wulandari, NIM. 16650056 %B FAKULTAS SAIN DAN TEKNOLOGI %D 2020 %F digilib:39861 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K road repair, PUPR Office of Pacitan Regency, Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method %P 113 %T PENERAPAN MULTI ATTIBUTE DECISION MAKING (MADM) METODE SIMPLE ADDITIVE WEIGHTING (SAW) DALAM MENENTUKAN PRIORITAS PERBAIKAN JALAN %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/39861/ %X Roads are an important component in various sectors of community life. If the road is damaged it will have a bad impact and very detrimental to many people. To deal with the various road damage occurring in an area, many people send criticism to the local public works and space Arrangement (PUPR) service so that various road defects are imminent. But the funds given by the central government are very limited in that the handling of roads cannot be handled entirely. With very limited funding conditions, priority scales are needed. So that with the priority scale is expected handling for each road can be optimized evenly. During this time public Works Department and Spatial Arrangement (PUPR) in determining the priority of road repairs are still done manually. This takes a long time and is considered to be less optimal and less targeted and is doubtful of its accuracy because of the abundance of road data. Therefore, this research will apply the SAW (Simple Additive Weighting) method to design the priority determination system for road repair in Pacitan Regency. From the results of this research successfully designed the priority determination system in Pacitan Regency using Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method using the 4 priority criteria is the criteria of budget number, Volume of damage, Target time, land use. And based on the results of functional testing the system showed that the system has been functioning 100% and testing of system reusability showed that 85% of respondents agreed to the facility of the system that has been built. %Z Nurochman, S.Kom., M.Kom