%A - PRATIWI, Dhian Fatma %A - FARUK %A - CHRISTIANTO R, Wisma Nugraha %J Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, %T Identity ConstructionsthroughLanguagein Virtual Community %X This paper aims to examine the role of language used in female daily forums to constructthe identity of the Suhu.Since, the absence of face to face communication in this virtual community,leaves only text and image in the forum as the only identity (discourse) understood by other forum members. Suhurefers to aspecialmember who has ability to answer problemsofothermembersabout products from a certain brand. There arebluepanda the suhufor Sulwashoo;Nate88, the suhufor Erha21 and snowyland,the suhufor Secretkey. They constructedtheir identity in the forum so that othermemberstrustedthem and even mistookbluepanda for a beauty advisor from Sulwashoo.We use Foucault’s perspective of discourse. Identity according to Foucault requires recognition from others, formed by a series of opinions which involve confirmation, in this case by other forum members. 4 categories are found, as the content generated by the Suhu. (1) all uploaded information related to brands/products, (2) Suhu’s opinions on brands/products, (3) information link and (4) ventingand solution giving.The other member recognize the Suhu from the content that they generate. They use language that has permitted to use by Femaledaily Network as the company who owns the forum. The usage of slangs which are comfortable to use is considered important. It is even include as a strategy to draw more members. %K identity construction, virtual community, language, femaledaily forum, suhu %P 31-35 %B 1st Annual Internatioal Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (AICOSH 2019) %V 339 %D 2019 %I Atlantis Press %L digilib40058