%A NIM: 16820095 Eris Risnawati %O Alex Fahrur Riza, SE., M.Sc. %T NIAT MILENIAL MENGGUNAKAN PEMBIAYAAN GRIYA IB HASANAH DENGAN PENDEKATAN THEORY OF PLANNED BEHAVIOR (Studi Kasus Bank BNI Syariah ) %X The study is aimed to examine the influence of millenial intention to use Griya IB Hasanah`s financing by Theory of Planned Behavior. Sample of this study was taken by purposive sampling and accidental sampling method, with 110 respondents. The analysis technique is using SEM-PLS with Smartpls 3.0. This study result shows that attitude and subjective norm have no positive influence of millenial intention to use Griya IB Hasanah`s financing. Besides percieved behavior control has a positive influence of millenial intention to use Griya IB Hasanah`s financing. %K Attitude, Subjective Norm, Percieved Behavior Control, Intention, Millenial, Griya IB Hasanah %D 2020 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib40087