@phdthesis{digilib40406, month = {July}, title = {EKOTEOLOGI ISLAM (STUDI KONSEP PELESTARIAN LINGKUNGAN DALAM HADIS NABI SAW)}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM. 1430012005 Ahmad Zumaro}, year = {2020}, note = {Prof. Dr. H. Nizar Ali, M.Ag.}, keywords = {teologi lingkungan, konservasi, dan hadis}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/40406/}, abstract = {Increasingly environmental crises certainly bring unrest to most of the population on this earth, proven by the frequent occurrence of natural disasters and global warming. These crises have occurred assumed as a result of anthropocentrism views that deny the transcendent things and assume humans are the center of everything, humans are not part of the environment, and nature is considered worthless. This dichotomous perspective forms destructive behavior towards the environment. This destructive pattern of predominant relationship between nature and humans needs to be changed or eliminated by harmonious relations in order to create environmental sustainability, i.e., by presenting religious or ecoteological teachings. Islamic ecoteology is a theology that discusses environmental conservation based on the teachings of Islam. This library-qualitative research uses a thematic method. The research data are collected through a study of the text of kutub attis?ah traditions. The data are then classified according to the themes discussed, followed by reviewing them with the hermeneutic approach. This research shows two main findings. First, the basis of environmental conservation in the Hadith includes 1) environmental conservation is the mission of the Caliphate of Man. The caliph is responsible for environmental sustainability; 2) every creature has an intrinsic value whose usefulness does not depend on its usefulness to humans. 3) Human?s dependency on the environment. Human?s dependency on the environment is the greatest one compared to another creatures. Thus, human should maintain the environment sustainability. the Second, Islam is a religion that is pro-environment; this fact can be found in the hadith of the Prophet SAW regarding environmental management both theoretically and practically. Third, from the traditions of environmental conservation it is found that there are two main causes of environmental damage, i.e., 1) being wasteful, 2) not having care about environmental cleanliness. Therefore, Islam commands its people to behave simply or sparingly and maintain environmental cleanliness. These two attitudes are greatly important in realizing environmental sustainability; thus, the Prophet SAW mentioned in his hadith that saving and cleanliness are part of faith. Subsequently, there is a straight line between individual?s faith and environmental conservation or, in other xv words, human behavior towards the environment is a reflection of one?s faith. Human obedience and disobedience to the Prophet SAW among others can be seen from his interaction with the environment. In the context of this study, environmental conservators are referred to as nasir as-sunnah and environmental destroyers are named munkir as-sunnah.} }