%A NIM: 1620421015 Isna Arifatun %O Dr. Istiningsih, M. Pd %T STRATEGI PEMBELAJARAN TEMATIK SUBTEMA KEBERAGAMAN INDONESIA PADA SISWA KELAS IV SD 1 BLUNYAHAN SEWON BANTUL 2018/ 2019 %X Teacher learning strategies in teaching thematic learning materials are indeed very necessary. The learning strategy used by the teacher greatly influences the process of teaching and learning activities in the classroom for the achievement of a learning climate that is fun and conducive and easy to understand. Whereas in the process of implementing an activity both operational and non-operational it must be accompanied by a plan that has a good strategy and is in accordance with the target. Teacher learning strategies in the Indonesian Diversity sub-theme conducted by teachers in SD 1 Blunyahan vary greatly, but in the learning process is still constrained by facilities and infrastructure, time and cost. This research was conducted with a descriptive qualitative approach, which is a research method that does not test hypotheses but instead presents and processes data. This type of research is a case study because one case was selected in one research object, namely SD 1 Blunyahan. In this study, the researchers themselves acted as key instruments, with the subject of the study being the principal, teachers of SD 1 Blunyahan, and students. Sources of data used in this study are information submitted by research subjects during interviews, actions taken by research subjects, observations, and documents relating to learning strategies undertaken by teachers in the sub-theme of Indonesian diversity. After the data is obtained then the validity of the data is checked using the triangulation method. The results of this study, teacher strategies used in the process of teaching and learning thematic learning on the theme of Diversity in Indonesia is very varied and varied, starting with lectures, questions and answers, group discussions, based on CTL and assignments. Teaching materials used by teachers in the learning process also vary, including thematic books for class IV 2013 curriculum, Student Activity Sheets (LKS), visual and audio visual teaching materials such as pictures and short videos. The tools and media used by the teacher in the learning process used vary, including the whiteboard in the form of white boards, markers, erasers and equipment, computer equipment and projectors, and internet access to display learning videos. Learning resources used in the learning process use several things, namely the teacher uses learning resources in the form of humans. The teacher explains the diverse characteristics of Indonesian culture, by drawing a number of students from outside the region, such as Kalimantan, Sumatra and Sulawesi. The teacher also uses materials packaged in the form of a 2013 curriculum package book with the theme of Diversity in Indonesia, using internet access to watch short films or videos about diversity in Indonesia. The teacher also uses pictures that relate to highly relevant material. The evaluation used and the process of its application that is used in teaching learning material especially Indonesian diversity material, is the teacher uses a formative evaluation test which is conducted at the end of each discussion of a subject / topic. The teacher also uses the behavioral or affective aspects assessed in evaluating his students. The situation of the school environment on the influence of the learning strategy used is the situation in the classroom and school when learning takes place is the creation of a conducive atmosphere and situation, although there are still some students who are busy and rowdy themselves. Conditions and progress between individuals in the classroom with a variety of regimes from which students make students more interested in participating in the learning, supported by teachers who are friendly, fun and communicative, making the learning environment more enjoyable. %K Learning strategies, Indonesian Diversity %D 2020 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib40789