<> "The repository administrator has not yet configured an RDF license."^^ . <> . . . "PERGESERAN PENAFSIRAN AYAT POLIGAMI DALAM Q.S. AN-NISA’\r\n[4]: 3\r\n(Studi Tafsir Era Klasik, Pertengahan, Modern-Kontemporer)"^^ . "Interpretation of polygamy verses in Q.S. An-Nisa '[4]: 3 is one of the Qur'anic\r\ntexts which is often discussed by various interpreters of the classical to contemporary\r\ninterpretations. Secondly, the era of modern-contemporary interpretation prefers to be\r\nunderstood as a monogamous verse rather than the concept of polygamy. This diversity\r\nhas resulted in changes to the compilation of texts in varying difficulties and changes.\r\nThis is caused by several factors underlying the compilers to internalize the text and\r\ncomplexity as a solution to answer the problems of the people. The focus of this study\r\naddresses three interactions: (1) Why changes in the interpretation of Q.S. an-Nisa '[4]:\r\n3 studies of the era of classical to contemporary interpretations. (2) Factors underlying\r\nthe transition of interpretation of the Q.S. an-Nisa '[4]: 3 Study of Interpretation from\r\nClassical to Contemporary Era. (3) Classifying the forms of interpretation of the classical\r\nto contemporary eras.\r\nThis research is a research which is a descriptive literature research using\r\nhistorical-analytical studies. With this expectation the author tries to analyze the specific\r\ninterpretation of the Q.S. an-Nisa '[4]: 3 in the interpretation of the classical to\r\ncontemporary eras, then the writer will bring up the roots of thought about the\r\ninterpretation of the Qur'an\r\nThe results of this study indicate that, the shift in interpretation of polygamy\r\nverses in Q.S. an-Nisa '[4]: 3 in the interpretation of the classical, middle, moderncontemporary\r\nera that, the interpretation of the classical era tends to understand the\r\nQur'an textually and root the system patriarchal culture. While the interpretation of the\r\nmiddle era interpretation is the development of an ideology and the interests of the\r\nmufassir in understanding the verse of polygamy. However, interpretations of the\r\nmodern-contemporary era have shown the development of thinking structures and the\r\nemergence of various scientific approaches that are critically explored so that in\r\nunderstanding texts try to dialogue between texts with the social conditions of society.\r\nAs for the classification of interpretations including, First, the interpretation of\r\nclassical-mid-era interpretation is oriented (Subjectist Buys Pathirarkhi). Second, the\r\ninterpretation of the modern-contemporary era emphasizes more on women's rights,\r\nnamely (Gender Neutral Objectives), this principle as one to realize the objectives of the\r\nQur'an and eliminate pathirarkhi biases in the context of interpretation. While the forms\r\nof epistemological shifts are, First, Interpretation of the Formative Era with Critical\r\nQuasi Reason (Classical Era). Second, the Interpretation of the Affirmative Era with\r\nIdeological Reason (Middle Era). Third, Interpretation of Reformative Era with Critical\r\nReason (Modern-Contemporary Era)"^^ . "2020-06-08" . . . . "UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA"^^ . . . "PASCASARJANA, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA"^^ . . . . . . . . . "NIM: 18205010020"^^ . "Wely Dozan"^^ . "NIM: 18205010020 Wely Dozan"^^ . . . . . . "PERGESERAN PENAFSIRAN AYAT POLIGAMI DALAM Q.S. AN-NISA’\r\n[4]: 3\r\n(Studi Tafsir Era Klasik, Pertengahan, Modern-Kontemporer) (Text)"^^ . . . . . "01. 18205010020_BAB I_BAB V_DAFTAR PUSTAKA.pdf"^^ . . . "PERGESERAN PENAFSIRAN AYAT POLIGAMI DALAM Q.S. AN-NISA’\r\n[4]: 3\r\n(Studi Tafsir Era Klasik, Pertengahan, Modern-Kontemporer) (Text)"^^ . . . . . "PERGESERAN PENAFSIRAN AYAT POLIGAMI DALAM Q.S. AN-NISA’\r\n[4]: 3\r\n(Studi Tafsir Era Klasik, Pertengahan, Modern-Kontemporer) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "PERGESERAN PENAFSIRAN AYAT POLIGAMI DALAM Q.S. AN-NISA’\r\n[4]: 3\r\n(Studi Tafsir Era Klasik, Pertengahan, Modern-Kontemporer) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "PERGESERAN PENAFSIRAN AYAT POLIGAMI DALAM Q.S. AN-NISA’\r\n[4]: 3\r\n(Studi Tafsir Era Klasik, Pertengahan, Modern-Kontemporer) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "PERGESERAN PENAFSIRAN AYAT POLIGAMI DALAM Q.S. AN-NISA’\r\n[4]: 3\r\n(Studi Tafsir Era Klasik, Pertengahan, Modern-Kontemporer) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "PERGESERAN PENAFSIRAN AYAT POLIGAMI DALAM Q.S. AN-NISA’\r\n[4]: 3\r\n(Studi Tafsir Era Klasik, Pertengahan, Modern-Kontemporer) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "PERGESERAN PENAFSIRAN AYAT POLIGAMI DALAM Q.S. AN-NISA’\r\n[4]: 3\r\n(Studi Tafsir Era Klasik, Pertengahan, Modern-Kontemporer) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "lightbox.jpg"^^ . . . "PERGESERAN PENAFSIRAN AYAT POLIGAMI DALAM Q.S. AN-NISA’\r\n[4]: 3\r\n(Studi Tafsir Era Klasik, Pertengahan, Modern-Kontemporer) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "preview.jpg"^^ . . . "PERGESERAN PENAFSIRAN AYAT POLIGAMI DALAM Q.S. AN-NISA’\r\n[4]: 3\r\n(Studi Tafsir Era Klasik, Pertengahan, Modern-Kontemporer) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "medium.jpg"^^ . . . "PERGESERAN PENAFSIRAN AYAT POLIGAMI DALAM Q.S. AN-NISA’\r\n[4]: 3\r\n(Studi Tafsir Era Klasik, Pertengahan, Modern-Kontemporer) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "small.jpg"^^ . . "HTML Summary of #40863 \n\nPERGESERAN PENAFSIRAN AYAT POLIGAMI DALAM Q.S. AN-NISA’ \n[4]: 3 \n(Studi Tafsir Era Klasik, Pertengahan, Modern-Kontemporer)\n\n" . "text/html" . . . "Filsafat Islam" . .