%A NIM. 15140064 Silmi Sukriyah Juhdi Azhari %O Dr. Anis Masruri S.Ag., SIP., M.Si. %T UPAYA PERPUSTAKAAN DALAM MENINGKATKAN PEMAHAMAN KESEHATAN REPRODUKSI DI KALANGAN REMAJA (STUDI DI PERPUSTAKAAN PKBI YOGYAKARTA) %X Research on the efforts of the PKBI library in increasing understanding among adolescents aims to know the efforts of the library in improving the understanding of reproductive health among adolescents. This research is a qualitative descriptive. The informant of the research is librarian, volunteer and staff of PKBI. The data collection methods use observation, interviews, and documentation. Its data analysis is inductive by using an interactive model based on the theory of Miles and Hubermen in the way 1) data reduction, 2) data presentation, 3) Withdrawal of conclusions or verification. Withdrawing conclusions with extended observation, triangulating the source and Memberchek. Researchers concluded: 1. The efforts of the PKBI library in improving the understanding of reproductive health among adolescents, namely: through work programs, which through: library activities, library services, and library collections. 2. The constraints faced by the PKBI library have not accommodated the implementation policy so that the library anticipates making its own rules on the policy of the library, the lack of HR Librarian concurrently task and create open recruitment, library collection PKBI less uptodate so the library anticipates with a subscription to a reproductive health journal, lack of interest read staff and volunteers so that the library Anticipating with scheduling staff and volunteers to visit libraries, as well as the promotion of libraries that are less than the maximum anticipated library with library promotion through Facebook. 3. Internal support from the PKBI Library includes: The funding system, the cooperation between staff and divisions, and the procurement of the PKBI Library collection. While the external support of the PKBI Library includes: the support of the community, institutions, and the settlers. Advice on this research: 1. The lack of human resources constraints by providing competent human resources in their field is able to make library management better. 2. Constraints of lack of interest read, provide the required book request and create abstract books, which are sent to all volunteer staff and Civitas PKBI. 3. Constraints less maximum promotion. Events, such as book surgeries make the visitor a bustling library. %K The Effort of Library, Reproduction Health, PKBI %D 2019 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib41779