%A NIM. 16810008 DAFIT IRWANTO %O Dr. H. Syafiq Mahmadah Hanafi, M.Ag. %T ANALISIS KINERJA LEMBAGA PENGELOLAAN ZAKAT (STUDI KASUS BADAN AMIL ZAKAT DAERAH KABUPATEN SOLOK PROVINSI SUMATERA BARAT) %X Solok Regency has the highest poverty rate number 2 after the Mentawai Islands, which is 8.88 percent, with an economic structure dominated by the agriculture, forestry and fisheries sectors but has a Gini ratio of 0.283 and is a smaller number compared to other cities / districts in West Sumatra . While the potential for zakat in Solok regency according to the chairman of Solok Regency Baznas Drs.H.Sukardi in his opportunity to convey the amount of zakat collected from Solok regency during 2018 last year. or as many as 8,000 mustahiq for this purpose, this study aims to evaluate the performance of zakat institution management including the contribution of the government and society, the work of zakat institutions, and also the influence of zakat on mustahik welfare at the level of Solok Regency. In the research method used was a survey through interviews with questionnaires. Sampling was carried out with a general term convenience sampling technique that included variations in the extent of respondent selection procedures. The analytical tool used in this study is the National Zakat Index (IZN) with a method called mixed methods which shows that the performance of zakat management in Solok Regency is quite good with an index value of 0.55. %K Performance of zakat management, poverty, National Zakat I %D 2020 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib41874