%A - A. Said Hasan Basri %T MODEL BIMBINGAN DAN KONSELING KEBERAGAMAAN DALAM MENINGKATKAN KESEJAHTERAAN PSIKOLOGIS DISABILITAS NETRA %X Blind diffables with visual limitations often find difficulties in living their daily lives, even though they get relatively decent guidance and education. Still they show symptoms that are less appropriate like normal individuals. Especially the expression of emotions that are not right and less stable, not to mention having to adapt to the environment that is only as far as the reach of the hand. These various difficulties always threaten the condition of psychological well-being. Therefore, a multidisciplinary approach is needed in working with people with disabilities. Including religiosity. So the guidance of his various lives needs to be maximized. Because if they have faith in religious values, they will automatically have a handle on life that can control itself in adapting to the social environment, as well as in the achievements of its development. This article tries to analyze the side of psychological well-being through religious guidance. As a result, literature actually shows that the diversity of the visual disabilities actually needs attention, because they rely on imitation in building themselves and their religious life. Even to do imitation, they are required to be able to see directly from the people around them. Therefore, religious guidance on them becomes something urgent. Using a variety of approaches, methods and techniques. Direct, indirect and eclectic approaches. In an individual or group manner, as well as with learning strategies with lectures, demonstrations, question and answer, and exercises involving religious dimensions that are adapted to the characteristics of the blind. Dimensions of Aqidah, Syari’ah, Akhlak, Ilmu and Ihsan dimensions. %K Religious Guidance and Counseling, Psychological Well-Being, Blind Diffables %D 2020 %C Yogyakarta %I PRODI BIMBINGAN DAN KONSELING ISLAM FAKULTAS DAKWAH DAN KOMUMIKASI %L digilib41892