ID  - digilib42036
UR  - https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/42036/
A1  - Nurdin, -
A1  - Djazim Rohmadi, -
A1  - Anis Masruri, -
A1  - Arina Faila Saufa, -
Y1  - 2019///
N2  - Maintaining social cohesion among society has required people, both individually and collectively, 
including the Santri. Information literacy (IL) competence and religiosity has become factors that 
can contribute to maintain the social cohesion. The objective of this research is to find out the 
effect of information literacy competence and religiosity of those Santri toward the social 
cohesion. This effect is going to be mapped into three points, namely: first, the influence of 
information literacy competence on social cohesion; second, the influence of religiosity toward 
social cohesion; and third, the the influence of information literacy and religiosity simultaneously 
on social cohesion among the Santri of Ali Maksum Islamic Boarding School in Krapyak, 
Yogyakarta. Research sampling uses a Slovin technique which results in 182 respondents from the 
Santri. Researchers used a Likert scale to score for each answer of questionnaire and used SPSS as 
a data processing tool. Based on the results of data processing tool, the results show that 
information literacy competence significantly influence the social cohesion because the t-count 
value > t table value is 5.740 > 1.97331. It is also the same significant influence by religiosity 
toward the social cohesion as seen from the t-count value > t table by 6.061 > 1.97331. Therefore, 
information literacy and religiosity, both partially and simultaneously, influenced the social 
cohesion in significant way as shown on F count > F table, that is 5.669 > 3.05. Due to difference 
of significant influence between independent variables, it needs more exploration by other further 
KW  - Information literacy; Religiosity; Social cohesion; Santri
TI  - Information Literacy Competence in Connection with Religiosity to Maintain Social  Cohesion among Santri of ALi Maksum Islamic Bording School, Krapyak Yogyakarta, Indonesia
SP  - 194
M2  - Malacca, Malaysia
AV  - public
EP  - 209
T2  - Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Libraries, Information  and Society 2019 (ICoLIS 2019)
ER  -