@techreport{digilib42057, type = {Other}, title = {Idealism, Pragmatism, Opportunism: Islamist Movements in Contemporary Indonesia}, author = {- Ahmad-Norma Permata}, address = {Yogyakarta}, publisher = {Fak. Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta}, institution = {UIN Sunan Kalijaga}, keywords = {Patterns of Islamist Behaviors, Islamist Movements in Indonesia, Islamism as Mental Models, FPI, PKS, PBB}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/42057/}, abstract = {Since democratization, Islamists in Indonesia have had a surprisingly large influence. While scholars once believed that Islamist movements were marginal and losing influence, the mass mobilizations of December 2016 and Islamists? centrality to the 2019 Presidential election has forced scholars to reconsider the power and place of Islamism in Indonesia. However, existing studies seemed to be constrained by uncritical assumption of Islamism as ideology that directly influences behaviors. This article suggests that one way to move the literature forward is to take Islamism as mental models, which helps to clinically distinguish it from Islam as a religion, and to better understand the structure of Islamist behaviors. This article finds three pattern of bahviors among contemporary Islamist movements, i.e. vigilante idealism of FPI, multivocal pragmatism of PKS, and complacence opportunism of PBB, which are better to be explain by differences of their mental models rather than their religious interpretations or their commitments to Islamist agenda} }