%A NIM.: 16380041 Anggiy Rival Asvaris %O Dr. H. Abdul Mujib, M.Ag. %T PEMBELIAN MAKANAN MELALUI APLIKASI GOFOOD DALAM PRESPEKTIF NORMATIF DAN YURIDIS %X With advances in technology, it makes it easier for humans to meet their daily needs. One of the most popular technologies today is the GOJEK application. PT Aplikasi Karya Anak Bangsa is a technology company that owns the GOJEK trademark. In GOJEK, there is a service, namely GoFood, which is a service feature of PT. Karya Anak Bangsa, in the form of online food and beverage trading services. The discussion in this study aims to determine consumer protection for GoFood service users on the GOJEK application. This research is a field research (field research) which aims to determine consumer protection on GoFood service practices in the GOJEK application. The resource persons of this research are GoFood service consumers on the GOJEK application who experience problems when making GoFood service transactions. Data collection techniques used were interviews, observation, and supported by library data. The results showed that legally the GoFood service still applies khiyar in Islamic law. Like khiyar 'aib, khiyar ru'yah, which is when there is an order error or damage to a food order, the consumer can make a complaint to the customer service or social media of PT. GOJEK Indonesia. In addition, the reason consumers do not know about the complaint feature on the GoFood service cannot be an udzur sayr'i or the reason for ignorance there is not included in the terms of udzur syar'i. So there is no reason for consumers who say they are not aware of the complaint service which causes them to suffer losses. Protection of GoFood service consumers in the GOJEK application contained in the terms and conditions for using the application is in accordance with consumer protection standards according to Law No. 8 of 1999 concerning consumer protection. Besides that, according to the fictional legal theory where all consumers are considered to know the rules applied by PT.GOJEK Indonesia here so that it cannot be an excuse for every consumer to say he is experiencing a loss. So that is what is needed is the re-accuracy of consumers in using GoFood services on the GOJEK application. %K Perlindungan Konsumen, GoFooD, GOJEK %D 2020 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib42421