%A NIM.: 14710017 ANNISA KHAIRIYYAH RAHMI %O Pembimbing: Dr. Raden Rachmy Diana, Spsi., M.A.,P.si %T DINAMIKA RESILIENSI ORANG TUA YANG MEMILIKI ANAK AUTIS %X This research’s aim is to see how psychological aspects affect the way a person experiences and rises from adversity. Therefore it can be learning for people who are in the same position as the researche subject. The purpose of this research is to see the process of resilience, causal factors, and the meaning of having a child with autism. The researcher uses resilience theory to figure out the process, and the factors that affect the resilience process in parents with autism children. This research used method is descriptive qualitative by making observations and interviews. The results show that The dynamics of the resilience of parents with autistic children consists of three things, namely the process of parents achieving resilience, the factors that influence resilience the process, and the impact of autism on parents. Achieving resilience is not seen as the factors that support the achievement of resilience. This study factors The process of forming emotional control, controlling, optimism, causal analysis, empathy, self-efficacy, and outreach. Research result with the fourth informant concluded that family support, support from friends, self-efficacy, and adaptability give influence to parents with autistic children in achieving resilience. Autism does not only affect children and their lives but also impacts parents as caregivers and companions of children. %K Autisme; Orang tua; Autism Children %D 2020 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib42452