%A NIM.: 13710049 Ryant Abdillah D.P. %O Pembimbing: Dr. Raden Rachmy Diana, S.Psi., M.A., Psi, %T HUBUNGAN IMBALAN (REWARD) DAN LOYALITAS PADA KARYAWAN GENTENG MUTIARA YOGYAKARTA %X The era of globalization demands high competition in the world of work, so as a provision to compete, companies need a strategy. Employees are one of the company's assets that need to be managed properly in assisting the company's strategy in achieving its goals. Employee loyalty is needed to maximize company growth and productivity. One of the factors that can increase employee loyalty is reward. This study aims to determine the relationship between rewards and employee loyalty. As for the subjects in this study were employees of Genteng Mutiara Yogyakarta, involving 20 respondents. This study uses a Reward Scale (reward) with alpha coefficient = 0.937 and Loyalty Scale with alpha coefficient = 0.901. The results of Pearson's Product Moment Correlation Test show that there is a strong and significant relationship between Rewards and Loyalty to employees. The value of r count (Pearson Correlation) is 0.791, this value is greater than the value of r table, namely 0.444 with a confidence level of 5%. Then the Sig (2-tailed) Significance Value obtained is 0.000, smaller than 0.05. The coefficient of determination (Adjusted R square) obtained is 0.605, which means that the reward has an effect of 60.5% on employee loyalty of Genteng Mutiara Yogyakarta. %K Loyalitas kerja; Indikator loyalitas; Reward %D 2020 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib42461