%A NIM.: 13710064 Yusuf Aditama %O Pembimbing: Lisnawati, M. Psi., Psi. %T Konsep Diri Perempuan Perokok Aktif %X Self-concept is an individual‟s perspective, impression, and feelings about himself that affect personality, mindset and way of behaving or acting. Having a positive self-concept is needed in the daily life because someone with a positive self-concept tends to be mentally healthier. Some people still view smoking female cinically, the closeness between cigarettes and men in the social cognition makes female active smokers marginalized in society and can alienate themselves from their identity as smokers. This cynical view can lead to congnitive dissonance in female smokers and can affect their self-concept. Because the self-concept can be formed from the results of interactions in the social environment and having a positive self-concept is better for mental health, this topic is interesting to study and is expected to be a reflection of the attitudes of female active smokers towards society and people‟s attitudes towards themselves. This study aims to describes selfconcept female active smokers. The method used in this study is qualitative research method by using a phenomenology approach. The data collection techniques are observation and interview. The subjects in this study amounted 2 person. The results of this study show that 1) There is a difference self-concept image between two subjects which is locked in physical aspects, psychological aspects, moral aspects, and social aspects of selfconcept : Subject I (AU) tends to have a negative self-concept while subject II (AL) tends to have a positive self-concept, 2) Both subjects have similarity in responding to what other people say about their smoking behavior, they just being ignorant or not caring about it, and 3) %K Self-Concept; Active Smoker; merokok; perempuan %D 2020 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib42511