%A NIM.: 16710004 Risma Inayah %O Pembimbing : Sara Palila, M.A., Psikolog %T RESILIENSI PADA PEREMPUAN KORBAN KEKERASAN SEKSUAL %X Humans were faced with numerous life challenges and various phenomena that could cause traumatic feelings, such as natural disasters and violent cases. Amid these challenges, resilience was an essential psychological ability for individuals, including victims of sexual violence. Thus, this study aimed to determine the resilience process, the factors that influence the resilience, and the meaning of the resilience process traversed by women victims of sexual violence. This research involved three informants who were victims of sexual violence. The research method were used a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. Data collection methods were used semi-structured interviews and observations. Data analysis were used the Interpretative Phenomenologist Analysis (IPA) technique. The results of this study indicated that the three informants went through five processes to achieve resilience. Including they were withdrawn; experienced a variety of unpleasant emotions; blamed herself, and had a negative view of herself; coped and adapted with the situation, and the last process was the informants experienced several influences and changes in herself. Furthermore, this study revealed that the factors that influence resilience consisted of external and internal factors. The external factors that support consisted of social support and education from the environment. In comparison, the inhibiting factors were parenting and closed attitudes towards parents. The internal factors that support were independence and enthusiasm, empathy, and high social interest and spirituality, while the inhibiting factor was negative views towards herself. %K Kekerasan seksual, Resiliensi, Trauma %D 2020 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib42562