%A NIM.: 16710011 Reva Rizki Annisa %O Pembimbing: Satih Saidiyah., Dpl. Psy. M.Si %T PROSES REGULASI EMOSI PADA IBU YANG MENGALAMI KEHAMILAN JARAK DEKAT %X This study aims to explore the process, factors and meaning of emotional regulation in women who have short-range pregnancies. The research method used in this study is a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. The informants in this study were mothers who had short-range pregnancies with the criteria of having children aged less than 33 months or 2.5 years. Data collection methods are semi-structured interviews and observations. Then the data is analyzed through the process of data reduction, coding, categorization, clustering, and drawing conclusions. The results of research from the three informants found several themes including the process of regulation of emotions before giving birth and after giving birth. Before giving birth, six themes were found: 1) hiding the pregnancy and blaming the husband, 2) managing the mind 3) managing stress 4) caring for the pregnancy 5) accepting with sincere feelings 6) motivating yourself. Furthermore, the process of regulation of emotions after giving birth includes 1) emotional release to children and husband, 2) playing social media and doing hobbies, 3) traveling, 4) avoiding negative emotions 4) positive thinking, 5) holding emotions. Factors that influence the emotional regulation process of informants include internal factors (the inherent nature of each informant) and external factors (relationships with family, financial, environment and crisis). Meaning of the three informants found several themes, namely 1) grateful for trust from God, 2) happy to have a complete family, 3) do not want to lose time with children 4) running in one time 5) happy with a small family, 6) provision in the end 7 ) get a windfall, 8) many children, many fortune 9) multiplying offspring. %K Proses Regulasi Emosi, Ibu, Kehamilan Jarak Dekat %D 2020 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib42578