%A NIM.: 16650024 Ussi Sanda Lusianita %O Pembimbing : Dr. Agung Fatwanto, S.Si., M.Kom %T SISTEM PAKAR DIAGNOSA PENYAKIT ALERGI PADA ORANG DEWASA BERBASIS WEB DENGAN METODE TEOREMA BAYES %X In general, allergies have been experienced by each person. Usually, allergies occur in childhood, but in some cases also occur until adulthood. Allergy symptoms that appear on each person is different. To diagnose this, ideally people can consult with a health care professional. However, for those who have limitations to consult, they need an easy method to diagnose the allergies, one of which uses an expert system that designed based on web. This research aims to build a web based expert system application in diagnosing allergic diseases in adults using the Bayes Theorem method. The conclusion, after this expert system was successfully designed, the functional system expert test result obtained a percentage value of 100% (20% mostly agreed to the system interface and 80% agreed to the system interface), while from the system testing as the user stated 100% agreed for functional systems (59% mostly agreed for system interface and 41% agree for system interfce). %K Sistem Pakar, Penyakit Alergi, Teorema Bayes %D 2020 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib42650