@phdthesis{digilib42658, month = {June}, title = {STUDI PERBANDINGAN METODE ANALISIS NAIVE BAYES CLASSIFIER DENGAN SUPPORT VECTOR MACHINE UNTUK ANALISIS SENTIMEN (STUDI KASUS: TWEET BERBAHASA INDONESIA TENTANG COVID-19)}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 16650029 Ahmad Nur Fauzi}, year = {2020}, note = {Pembimbing : Agung Fatwanto, Ph.D}, keywords = {Naive Bayes Classifier, Support Vector Machine, Analisis Sentimen}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/42658/}, abstract = {Sentimen analysis is a technique for detecting opinions about a subject (for example individuals, organizations or products) in a data set. Community life today supports the emergence of social interaction through social media which is a suggestion in conveying positive and negatif opinions. In this study using 2 methods, namely Na{\"i}ve Bayes Classifiers (NBC) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) to classify sentimens. A total of 9015 data were used in the analysis process with TF-IDF weighting techniques and Term Frequency. Evaluation uses 2 ways, that is confusion matrix and K-fold cross validation. With the confusion matrix, SVM has an accuracy value of 83\%, a precision value of 83\%, a recall value of 98.8\%, and a specificity value of 9\%. While NBC has an accuracy value of 82.3\%, a precision value of 82.3\%, a recall value of 99.7\%, and a specificity value of 3.4\% with TFIDF. Then, SVM has an accuracy value of 82.8\%, a precision value of 83\%, a recall value of 99\%, and a specificity of 8\%. While NBC has an accuracy value of 80.1\%, a precision value of 85.7\%, a recall value of 90\%, and a specificity of 29\% with TF. K-fold cross Validation with TF-IDF weighting, SVM accuracy value of 82.6\%, precision value of 82.9\%, recall rate of 98.8\%, and specificity of 10.9\%. NBC accuracy is 82\%, precision value is 82\%, recall rate is 99.6\%, and specificity is 4.8\%. SVM Term Frequency accuracy value is 82.5\%, precision value is 82.6\%, 99.1\% recall rate, and specificity is 7\%. NBC accuracy value is 79.8\%, precision value is 85.9\%, recall rate is 89.2\%, and specificity is 32\%. NBC data processing time is faster than SVM with NBC under 5 seconds while SVM is above 500 seconds.} }